Andy Hiles: Applying Scrum with Kanban
Zapraszamy na kolejny webinar Agilelabs :). Tym razem spotkamy się z Andy Hiles – doświadczonym trenerem Scrum i Kanban. Ponadto jest autorem książki „Applying Scrum with Kanban: A Pointless Book!”
This will be a Miro driven lean style session with a few pre-prompted topics. The aim is to create a community discussion & discover how to bring flow into your Scrum using Kanban.
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Andy Hiles is a highly experienced Professional Scrum Trainer. He is certified with and a Professional Kanban Trainer with Andy’s career has taken him on a journey from late 90’s web development through professional organisations such as Nokia and IBM. Now Andy Andy is a professional trainer, coach and consultant.
Andy is the author of „Applying Scrum with Kanban: A Pointless Book!”. The story follows Katie as an experienced Scrum Master struggling to satisfy the demands of the stakeholders and the management team in her organisation.
Link do książki:
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