Webinar: Louis-Philippe Carignan: Experience report with implementing flow metrics in Scrum teams
Flow metrics in Scrum. Ten webinar już się zakończył. Możesz obejrzeć jego nagranie >> link do webinaru >>
Over the years, many Agile experts have demonstrated how flow (or Kanban) metrics superseded the use of estimation techniques like story points or t-shirt sizing. Even though the added value of such metrics has been shown in conferences, talks, or experience reports, these metrics remain to be absent from mainstream Agile best practices.
In this talk, Louis-Philippe will share his experience integrating flow metrics in multiple Scrum environments. He will talk about his own struggles, challenges, and pitfalls. It will help the audience avoid them on their journey to integrate flow metrics in their own organization.
Louis-Philippe Carignan has been guiding organizations adopting Kanban within Scrum for the last 5 years. He has made this focus his area of expertise through specialized training like the Professional Scrum with Kanban (PSK) class. Louis is the founder of PaceMkr, a digital product focused on integrating seamlessly flow metrics in Scrum teams. He has been a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with Scrum.org since 2010. Professional Kanban Trainer (PKT) with ProKanban.org since 2020.
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